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Buying & Selling Coins:
We have been collecting coins for over 15 years and have decided to turn a hobby into a business. We represent more of a hybrid collector – our main interests lie in both the historical and investment aspects of coins.

We pride ourselves in the simple sophistication of our website. It should take but a few moments to acclimate yourself to its structure. Easy to follow and simple to navigate – without all of the moving & flickering nonsense found on so many other websites.

Coin Images:
Our photography equipment consists of a high-end digital camera along with multiple lenses. In nearly every case, we rely on natural light. Few images are taken with a flash. No special lighting is ever used.

Photo editing software is only used to crop and resize images, that’s it! Photo editing software is NOT used to lighten/darken images, add color or enhance toning, cover-up/retouch any blemishes or imperfections, or manipulate the image in any other way.

In many cases, these images do not do the coins justice, they simply look much better in person than in their photos. It can be difficult to capture a coin’s true luster and all of its toning, when applicable, in a single image.

No stock photos are ever used, the images you see are of the actual coins.

Please contact us if you are interested in seeing any additional images of specific coin.

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